Rochelle McKeown
BAppSci(HB), M.Ost
Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Biology)
Master of Osteopathy (Honours)
Further Training
Sutherland Cranial Fundamentals (2024)
Infant and Young Child Health Essentials (2023)
Child and Adolescent Health Essentials (2023)
Professional Memberships
Osteopaths New Zealand
Osteopathic Council of New Zealand
ACC Registered
Our Approach
An individualised comprehensive assessment and discussion will inform which osteopathic treatment is most appropriate to your needs. The range of techniques we work with allows us to use an approach that works for you. We can incorporate direct and indirect osteopathic approaches, including but not limited to:
Tissue balancing techniques
Joint articulation / mobilisation
Joint adjustments
Release of soft tissues, including muscles
Myofascial release
Craniosacral rebalancing